Birchwood Furniture Galleries
7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227

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Nothing Accents a Space Better Than the Perfect Piece of Furniture

Whether you have made an investment in an entertainment unit, or perhaps are seeking a matching ottoman for your sectional, our gallery has the selection to match your need.

The Difference Quality Makesa

We create furniture designed to last a lifetime. When you make an investment in quality furniture, you can feel confident in how it will look and wear for years to come.

Handmade by Canadian Craftsman

We carry Canadian brands that take pride in their work. Their dedication to quality, craftsmanship, and longevity is evident in every piece we carry.

Looking For That Perfect Something? We Can Help.

If you know you need something but are not sure of what you are seeking specifically, let our furniture consultants help! We are on top of the latest trends and have a pulse on what styles are sure to age elegantly.

The Birchwood Difference

Prior to opening our Calgary showroom as a quality fine furniture and home decor retailer, we exclusively ran a Calgary based furniture manufacturing business for 39 years. During that time, we have learned some valuable lessons when it comes to design, quality and craftsmanship.

It is these lessons that have given us the tools to pair you with the perfect premium upholstered or solid wood furniture to enhance your lifestyle! Over the past four decades, we have come to understand what matters most to our customers: Quality, Craftsmanship, Community. Our relentless commitment to these values is what sets us apart.

Brands We Carry & Support

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