Birchwood Furniture Galleries
7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: About Birchwood

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Supplier Spotlight: Birchwood Furniture

At Birchwood Furniture Galleries, we help our customers shop our extensive inventory to select the perfect home furniture and decor accessories. Today, we want to take you on a tour of one of our top Canadian upholstery suppliers – Birchwood Furniture. Since 1978, the Birchwood factory has been manufacturing quality fine furniture from its home […]

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What Makes Birchwood a One-of-a-Kind Shopping Experience?

If you have purchased furniture before, typically the experience  will be the same as you go store to store in search of your furniture pieces. At Birchwood Furniture Galleries, we offer so much more. When you shop with us, you are not only going to get the ideal furniture for your space, but you will […]

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Why Many Prefer Local Furniture Makers

A close-up of a furniture maker carving ornate wing and feather designs into a piece of wood.

Who knows what homes in Calgary need better than people who live in Calgary? Locally made furnishings are a growing trend for a reason. Local artisans and furniture makers create their pieces with the needs, preferences, and community of their clients in mind.  Local furniture makers typically provide higher quality furnishings. The pieces they make […]

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