Birchwood Furniture Galleries
7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: Buyers Guides

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6 Tips for Choosing Furniture for Small Spaces

Small living area with sofa, coffee table and office table

Got a new home and wondering how to arrange your small living room space to make the most of it? A small living space doesn’t mean design and comfort have to be compromised. A room can still feel balanced and functional with added elements of your personal style. Quality, long-lasting furniture that can be customized […]

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A Gift for Every Room: Find a Great Christmas Gift at Birchwood!

The holidays have returned once again, and once again, you find yourself struggling to uncover the perfect gifts for those who matter most to you. Rather than relying on old standbys such as a gift card or bath products, why not try something for the home? The gift of furniture is one that is always […]

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Building a Sofa Your Lifestyle Will Love

In many ways, the sofa is the centrepiece of your home. It is where you gather with friends and family to catch up, tell stories, and share fond memories. A sofa is the setting for afternoon naps, childhood wrestling matches, and profound conversations. When you choose a sofa, it is important that it can fill […]

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Carve Out Your Perfect Entertainment Area!

At Birchwood Furniture Galleries, we value family time above all else. And after a busy day, we know that many families like our own gather in front of the television to relax and decompress.  Your entertainment area is a perfect opportunity to create not only a comfortable space but a beautiful one- whether it’s a quiet […]

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Choosing the Best Area Rug for your Space

Nothing pulls together a space like an area rug! Whether they are used to define an open plan space or to anchor a seating arrangement, area rugs bring warmth, texture, colour and pattern to any space. Despite the area rug being a traditional component of home decor, our clients often ask us questions about the […]

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Choosing the Right Fit for You: Which Leather is Best?

Before making any big ticket furniture purchases, there are many things that should be taken into account. A seemingly simple option, overlooked by many, is the type of leather that your furniture is upholstered in! This selection can make all the difference in the durability and longevity of your upholstery. By doing a little research, […]

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Creating a Cosy Space for Fall; How to Add Warmth & Comfort to Your Home

There is nothing more satisfying than coming home to a warm, inviting space on a crisp fall day. As the autumn air develops its telltale chill, we all turn up our thermostats and dig out our favourite throw blankets in an attempt to stay warm. But adding warmth to your home is not simply about […]

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Creating an Office to Inspire

We know that there are few things less inspiring than being stuck behind a boring desk all day. It’s hard to feel motivated to plug through your work when your furnishings and surrounding four walls are as drab as the paperwork you’re completing. All the more reason to invest some time and energy into livening […]

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Customize your Dining Room in Style

Buying dining room furniture at Birchwood Furniture Galleries is a special affair. We offer customization unlike anywhere else! Whether you are looking for that lived in, eclectic look, or you want to create our own custom style, Birchwood Furniture Galleries is the store for you. With styles ranging from ultra modern to super traditional, and everywhere in between, […]

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