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7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: Area Rugs

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Accessorizing for the Holidays

Don’t let this sunny weather deceive you- the holidays are right around the corner! While decking the halls and tree trimming are Christmas necessities, why not take your decor to the next level this winter season? With a few easy accessory additions, it’s simple to transform the look of your home without breaking the bank. […]

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Choosing the Best Area Rug for your Space

Nothing pulls together a space like an area rug! Whether they are used to define an open plan space or to anchor a seating arrangement, area rugs bring warmth, texture, colour and pattern to any space. Despite the area rug being a traditional component of home decor, our clients often ask us questions about the […]

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Creating a Cosy Space for Fall; How to Add Warmth & Comfort to Your Home

There is nothing more satisfying than coming home to a warm, inviting space on a crisp fall day. As the autumn air develops its telltale chill, we all turn up our thermostats and dig out our favourite throw blankets in an attempt to stay warm. But adding warmth to your home is not simply about […]

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Spruce Up Your Home for the Holidays

Every year about this time, people find themselves out holiday shopping. With enticing sales, beautiful window displays, and eye catching products, beautiful new decorations and bobbles makes us all crave a little something new for our homes! If you are looking for something bright, shiny and special to bring into your space without breaking the bank, we’ve got […]

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