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Category: Fabric

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How to Clean Upholstered Furniture Like a Pro

A person using a handheld vacuum cleaner to clean an upholstered leather couch.

Did you just spill wine on your white dining room chair? Is a coffee stain spreading across your couch cushions? Do you just want to refresh your living room furnishings? There are a few details you should consider before you start cleaning your upholstered furniture.  When you are cleaning any type of upholstered furniture, make […]

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How to Wash Sofa Cushions

Person cleaning couch cushion with steam cleaner.

When was the last time you cleaned your sofa cushions? For most people, cleaning their furniture, especially sofa cushions, is low on their list of priorities and can easily be forgotten about.  If you think about it, a sofa takes a lot of abuse. From pet hair to dirt to spilled food, sofa cushions can […]

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