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7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: Feature Pieces

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The Truths About Leather: Your Go-To Buying Guide

We’ve explained a lot about our wood products, and about our upholstery pieces. So now it’s time to get into some tips about shopping for leather. There are many different types and qualities of leather out there. The key to choosing the right type for you and your family is first knowing your needs inside and out. The most important […]

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What an Ottoman Is & How to Correctly Use It

A living room set up with an L-shaped sofa unit and 2 ottoman pieces on a beautiful rug.

There are a lot of potential options for living room furnishings and feature pieces that add elegant, interesting, and eye-catching touches to your home’s style, but few are as classic, convenient, and versatile as an ottoman.  An ottoman is a flat, low piece of furniture that is often used as a footrest but can also […]

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