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7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: Home Office

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Things to Consider When Buying Home Office Furniture

An ideal home office set up with a wooden dek, storage drawer unit on the right and natural light coming in from the window on the left.

The rise of hybrid and remote work positions is bringing a new, exciting option for many Calgarians: home office space. Choosing the right home office furniture can make all the difference when you’re trying to focus on your next big project.  Some of the important factors to consider when buying office furniture include: The size […]

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Under the Veneer: Smart Shopping for Home Furnishings

These days, furniture companies have broad selections and many confusing terms. They insist they use only the finest materials. They promise they have tested the quality of every piece they sell. They assure you their products will last. But then you take home your new furniture and within months, those pieces quickly lose their appeal, […]

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