How to Decorate a Coffee Table

The right coffee table can bring your living room together, adding functionality and style. But if you really want to get the full benefits of that new piece, it is important to decorate it, too. Decorating coffee tables, dining room tables, and other furnishings often comes down to 2 key principles: keep clutter to a [...]
How to Refinish Wood Furniture

Solid wood furnishings bring many benefits, not least of which is the ability to refinish them. Refinishing wood pieces can help you enjoy them for a long time, but it is not always easy and should be done with care. In many cases, this kind of work should be left to someone with expertise in [...]
Benefits of Using Furniture Polish & Natural Beeswax

We know how satisfying the smooth texture of a new wooden dining table is, or the luxurious comfort of falling asleep in a natural wood bed. Sadly, we also know the feeling of seeing minor damage build up on the furniture we love. Protecting your favourite pieces with natural furniture polish helps stop damage before [...]
How to Arrange Sectionals in a Living Room

How do you use your living room space? Does your family gather to watch TV? Do you have a separate sitting room? Does your living room connect with your kitchen through an open-concept layout? The size, shape, and function of your living space often play a central role in helping you decide how to arrange [...]
Things to Consider When Buying Home Office Furniture

The rise of hybrid and remote work positions is bringing a new, exciting option for many Calgarians: home office space. Choosing the right home office furniture can make all the difference when you’re trying to focus on your next big project. Some of the important factors to consider when buying office furniture include: The size [...]
How to Arrange Furniture in a Long, Narrow Bedroom

Finding the right bedroom furniture for a long, narrow bedroom can be essential for creating a comfortable space that promotes relaxation—but how you arrange your bedroom furniture can also make a difference. When you are arranging furniture in a small, narrow space, follow this rule: place furniture in a layout that helps keep the room [...]
How to Set a Dining Table Based on the Shape

How often do you set your dining table for meals? Although it may not be as common for regular meals, setting your dining room table can be an enchanting way to enhance your dining area for family and friends during brunches, dinners, and other gatherings. There are multiple ways to set a table, and your [...]
Home Office Ideas For Small Spaces

A home office can be a wonderfully productive space—as long as it’s designed to meet your needs and support your work routine. It can be challenging to create a functional design for productive work in a small space but you can do it. Some of the solutions you can use for small workspaces include the [...]
Modern Living Room Furniture Ideas

Renovating, redesigning, redecorating, or even just rearranging your living room can be a fun way to freshen up your living space, but when it comes to updating a living room with modern furniture, where do you start? Getting inspiration for a new living room design is one of the most enjoyable parts of recreating your [...]