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How to Refinish Wood Furniture

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A rectangular wooden dining table with wooden chairs arranged around it.

Solid wood furnishings bring many benefits, not least of which is the ability to refinish them. Refinishing wood pieces can help you enjoy them for a long time, but it is not always easy and should be done with care. In many cases, this kind of work should be left to someone with expertise in building and maintaining wood furniture. 

The method for refinishing solid wood furnishings can vary depending on the specific piece and the wear or damage present. But it generally goes beyond the basics needed for cleaning wood furnishings

The professional wood refinishing process includes working with you to select a finish you like, carefully removing the old finish, inspecting the piece for damage and making repairs, and applying the new finish with a strong seal suited to your needs

Every solid wood piece is unique. Whether you have a wood dining table or a comfortable bed frame that needs to be refinished, speaking with a knowledgeable local expert about the specific pieces in your home can help you determine the right solution for your furnishings.

What Are the Benefits of Professional Refinishing for Wood Furnishings? 

Many types of wood used for furniture are known for having a long potential lifespan, but that longevity comes from regular maintenance, including professional refinishing, because the refinishing and resealing process helps protect those beautiful pieces from gradual wear and future damage. 

Refinishing wood also provides an opportunity to complete repairs that can further extend the lifespan of your pieces. A professional eye can make all the difference in this process—an experienced craftsperson can use their expertise to spot subtle damage that might otherwise go unnoticed.

Refinishing can also help older wood pieces fit in with newer furnishings in your home. By working with a professional, you can select a finish that subtly alters how your solid wood pieces look, changing them to suit your desired aesthetic.

Professional refinishing services can make it possible to continue enjoying the solid wood pieces in your home that you have cherished and become fond of over the years. 

When Should Wood Furnishings Be Refinished?

There is not a specific timeframe you must follow for refinishing wood furnishings as it very much depends on the make and usage of the piece of furniture. Some pieces can last longer than others without refinishing, but you should watch for visible damage and stains. Any noticeable deterioration can be a sign that it is time to think about professional refinishing. 

An infographic highlighting the signs that solid wood furniture needs refinishing

How Do You Know Furniture Is Solid Wood?

Just looking at the outer appearance of furnishings or looking for pieces with a high cost is not enough to determine if they are solid wood—both laminate and veneer furniture can be made to mimic the appearance of wood.

A professional eye can help you recognize high-quality furniture pieces. If you are unsure whether the pieces in your home—or a piece you are purchasing—are solid wood, getting advice from a professional can be invaluable. 

Some of the common signs professionals look for to identify solid wood furnishings include:

  • A heavier weight
  • Dovetail construction methods (a dovetail pattern)
  • A natural wood grain texture
  • Carved details

How Should You Maintain Wood Furniture?

Regular dusting and cleaning can help you maintain the appearance and longevity of your solid pieces and must be done as often as needed.

Be quick to clean up spills or other messes on wood pieces. Sometimes, you may also need to do minor spot cleaning for issues like watermarks. You should also speak with a professional when you notice visible wear or damage. 

With proper maintenance and knowledge about how to care for solid wood furniture, your favourite pieces can last a lifetime.

An infographic with tips to help maintain solid wood furniture

What Are the Benefits of Choosing Solid Wood Furniture? 

Wood is a versatile material with many unique varieties that can fit into a wide range of home designs and decor styles. Solid wood pieces can last for many years with simple, routine maintenance and occasional refinishing—and they are beautiful pieces that can be customized for your home’s style and specific features for improved functionality. 

Buying custom solid wood furnishings made with local materials also helps support local craftspeople and businesses. As with refinishing, working with a local builder can make all the difference in getting solid pieces that suit not just your specific home but also the conditions inside and outside homes in Calgary. 

A wooden coffee table with a small wooden stool tucked underneath.

Let’s Explore Your Options for Solid Wood Furnishings

At Birchwood Furniture, we love helping Calgarians find the right pieces for their needs. We offer a variety of locally made solid wood pieces and custom pieces that can be created with your unique needs in mind. Visit us to learn more about the benefits of solid wood and find the right pieces for your home.

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