Birchwood Furniture Galleries
7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: Wood

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The Impact of Climate on Furniture Longevity

If you are not considering the effect that Calgary’s climate and environment can have on your furnishings, then you may be missing a key detail when it comes to picking quality pieces that can last for many years.  Seasonal temperature changes and fluctuations in humidity can put your furnishings at an increased risk of damage […]

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Under the Veneer: Smart Shopping for Home Furnishings

These days, furniture companies have broad selections and many confusing terms. They insist they use only the finest materials. They promise they have tested the quality of every piece they sell. They assure you their products will last. But then you take home your new furniture and within months, those pieces quickly lose their appeal, […]

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What Is Veneer Wood?

When it comes to furniture, choosing high-quality, expertly-crafted pieces can have your family enjoying them for generations. What your furniture is made of can impact its durability, the price, and how likely it can be customized to your vision and style. When it comes down to it, high-quality furniture is made from high-quality materials. Comparing […]

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What Should You Buy? The Solid Wood vs. Veneer Debate

When shopping for case goods, our clients often feel that solid wood is the only option. Although it has its positive attributes, we suggest you don’t dismiss veneered furniture right off the bat. It is a common misconception that solid wood furniture is of better quality than veneered pieces. In fact, most people do not realize that […]

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Why Solid Wood Furniture Is Worth the Investment

A solid wood dining room table.

Imagine stepping into your home and being greeted by the natural elegance and enduring beauty of solid wood furniture. For many Calgarians, the appeal of solid wood goes beyond aesthetics—it is about investing in pieces that can stand the test of time.  Whether you are redecorating or furnishing your first house, understanding the value of […]

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