Birchwood Furniture Galleries
7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: Construction

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Different Types of Wood for Furniture Making

A long table made from wood slab.

Whether you’re ordering custom hand-crafted furniture or picking hardwood furniture from an existing catalogue, knowing which types of wood can be used for furniture—and how they differ—can help you make the right choice for your needs.  Both hardwood and softwood can be used to make furniture, but your options for furniture made from softwood may […]

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How to Tell if Furniture is Good Quality

furniture salesman showing a couple a shelving unit with books in it

Buying new furniture for your home or office can be incredibly exciting. Choosing and styling some of your favourite pieces exactly how you want is a great experience, but also one that can be ruined when low-quality furniture breaks  or fabrics wear down much faster than you may have anticipated. If you have ever sat […]

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The Best Wood for Furniture (Maple, Oak & More)

Different types of wood displayed on table that could be used to build furniture

If you’re in the market for a new piece of furniture, we know it can get exhausting looking through hundreds of products and wondering which one you should buy. A common question we get asked when people are looking for new furniture is which type of wood is the best.  Well, there are many different […]

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What is Mennonite & Amish Furniture?

At Birchwood Furniture Galleries, we dedicate ourselves to showcasing the very best in furniture. When we place a piece on our showroom floor, we take the time to make sure that it upholds the Birchwood name and very few pieces reach the same quality, stability, elegance, and comfort as Amish and Mennonite furniture. The Amish […]

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