Birchwood Furniture Galleries
7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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How to Mix & Match Pillows on a Sofa

Colorful pillows placed on top of sofa

When it comes to living room furniture, throw pillows, and accent cushions might sound like an afterthought, but they can completely change the look of a room. Throw pillows can bring your decorating to the next level and make your home feel complete. But with all the possibilities of patterns, fabrics, sizes, colours, and textures, […]

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What Furniture Goes With Dark Wood Floors?

A living room with a dark floor and beautiful decor with lighter shades of furniture than the flooring.

Dark wood floors can be an excellent choice for a variety of rooms, from your home office to your living room. While dark floors can make a room feel darker, they can also work with furnishings like your living room furniture to give your space depth.  Your personal taste is one of the most important […]

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