Birchwood Furniture Galleries
7315 11th St. SE Calgary Alberta T2H 2S1 587-323-3227
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Category: Home Office

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Choosing the Best Area Rug for your Space

Nothing pulls together a space like an area rug! Whether they are used to define an open plan space or to anchor a seating arrangement, area rugs bring warmth, texture, colour and pattern to any space. Despite the area rug being a traditional component of home decor, our clients often ask us questions about the […]

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Creating an Office to Inspire

We know that there are few things less inspiring than being stuck behind a boring desk all day. It’s hard to feel motivated to plug through your work when your furnishings and surrounding four walls are as drab as the paperwork you’re completing. All the more reason to invest some time and energy into livening […]

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Home Office Ideas For Small Spaces

A modern home office set up with dark wood furniture for a small space.

A home office can be a wonderfully productive space—as long as it’s designed to meet your needs and support your work routine. It can be challenging to create a functional design for productive work in a small space but you can do it.  Some of the solutions you can use for small workspaces include the […]

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How to Set Up a Home Office

Young professional women sitting in home office in home

You don’t have to feel bad about hitting snooze one more time when the commute is less than a minute from your comfortable bedroom to your home office. With more work-from-home or hybrid opportunities, there are plenty of benefits to putting more thought into setting up your home office. And the fun part is you […]

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Making Your Home Office Work for You

A large portion of productivity can be traced back to the space in which you work. To yield truly effective results, an office must be aesthetically pleasing without being distracting; it must be soothing while still being effective and organized. Although it may not be the most obvious concept, designing and furnishing your home office […]

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Our 2017 Anniversary Sale is Fast Approaching – Savings on Canadian-Made Quality Furniture!

If you are looking to refurnish your home, our seventh annual Anniversary Sale, kicking off in March, is the event for you. Whether you are looking for a new bedroom set, sofa, or accessories, we will be offering incredible savings. Our quality customizable furniture lines are made right here in Canada. Our manufacturers produce beautiful […]

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Space planning: What Birchwood can do to help meet your personal furniture needs

Remember when we taught you what to bring with you when shopping for furniture? Now we will dig deeper into what Birchwood Furniture Galleries can do to help you with your individual needs when planning a refresh in your home. Measurements There is nothing worse than buying a beautiful sofa or dining table, only to […]

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